时间:2024年10月22-24日, 地点:上海市中心
Day 1 October. 22, 2024 ( Tuesday )
8:30-9:30 Registration and tour around the displaying booths
9:30-9:35 Welcome address
9:35-11:00 Keynote speech
Day 2 October. 23, 2024 ( Wednesday )
8:30-9:30 Registration and tour around the displaying booths
9:30-9:35 Welcome address
9:35-11:00 Keynote speech
Global NH3 industry’s development and trends
How large the ammonia market and to what opportunities will be brought ?
China’s ever growing multiple roles in the net-zero emissions industries
How does Ammonia serve as a key to the hydrogen economy ?
What financial tools can be applied and how to access to the green finance ?
11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break
11:20-12:30 Session A: Ammonia application’s senarios
Demonstrations of using ammonia as a super hydrogen carrier in furnaces and vehicles
Ammonia as marine fuel in the shipping industry: What are the main hurdles to overcome – owners’ budget ? engine technology? fuel price and availability ?
Gas turbine and thermal plant’s application outlook
12:30-14:00 Lunch & networking
14:00-17:30 Session B: Ammonia fueled engines & new application
Latest updates on ammonia fueled engines’ timeline .
Alternative fuels insight-status
Shipowner perspectives: strategy, application and challenges
Ship’s newbuilding and retrofit’s opportnities
Designer’ perspectives on R & D and selection criterions
Industry’s chances and challenges ahead
Day 2 October. 24, 2024 ( Thurday )
9:00-9:30 Registration and tour aroundthe displaying booths
9:00-9:05 Welcome address
9:05-11:00 Session C : Ammonia’s production for grey, blue and green ones
How will the further large scale production and commercialization be carried out ?
Updates on major development on current technology and market
Outlook on the role of the renewable energy industry to the green ammonia market ?
How will stakeholders work together to support the development of green ammonia ?
Developing strategies to new regulations& challenges
11:00-11:20 Refreshment Break
11:20-12:30 Session D: Transportation, Storage and Terminals
What criterions need to be addressed for the owners and operators ?
Updates on major development on technology and regulations
How will infrastructure be developed to support the whole industry? How government support will be expected for its development?
Technologies for ammonia being better used as a good carrier in the supply chain?
How infrastructures or facilities have been improved so far ?
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-17:00 Session E: Key equipment and supplies
What are the key equipment for a complete green ammonia industry chain ?
Electrolyser’s technology and solutions
Explore the challenges of designing and constructing AFSS
Collaboration with the project owners for the preparation for the systems
How to select the right makers
17:00-17:50 Closing Remarks
The above topic and agenda are preliminary subject to change on site.
第 1 天 2024年 9月 25日(星期三)
第 12天 2024年 9月 26日(星期四)
8:30-9:30 登记参观展位
9:30-9:35 欢迎致辞
9:35-11:00 主题演讲
11:00-11:20 茶点休息
12:30-14:00 午餐和交流
14:00-17:30 氨产业发展和新应用
美资Spraying System喷雾系统等赞助支持4月25日氨氢新能源产业上海国际峰会
第 3 天 2024年 9月 27日(星期五)